Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pet Care Products

When people think of pet care products, most associate it with the essential pet supplies like pet food and pet houses, which allow pet owners to provide their pets with what they need to live long and healthy lives. However, for some pet owners, the term does not just cover the essential pet supplies that they need to provide for their pets. This is because for them the term pet care products also covers or includes some non-essential items, which are effective in providing their pets with the utmost comfort, which can also help them ensure that their pets remain healthy and happy.

One of the most popular non-traditional pet care products that pet owners get their pets are garments, which include pet T-shirts, bandanas, coats, and even sweaters, which allow pet owners to show off their pets when they bring them outdoors for their exercise. However, apart from being able to afford pets with a certain level of style, garments can be effective in protecting pets especially dogs against cold weather. In recent years, another non-traditional pet care product or treatment that pet owners give their pets is a spa treatment, which provides pets with grooming, certain therapies like aromatherapy, and a full day of activities that pets could do together with other pets.

Another example of such products includes car seats that allow pet owners to provide their pets with a comfortable way to travel. For dog owners, car seats have become popular because they allow dogs to stick their head out the window while being safely secured on the seats. Other non-traditional pet care products include pet electronic devices like invisible fences and training collars and pet mattresses that are designed to conform to the body of pets.

For some pet owners, pet care products do not only include pet supplies like pet food, pet dishes and houses that are considered essential in ensuring that pets live long and healthy lives. This is because for them, there are some non-traditional pet care products, which include pet garments and pet mattresses that are also as effective in ensuring that their pets remain both happy and healthy.

Summer Pet Care

Summer is here and with it comes the hot weather. As much as we suffer due to the heat, it can be much worse for a pet that wears a fur coat all the time. Fortunately, some easy things will make the summer much more enjoyable for your pet!

Never Leave Your Pet in the Car

As cool as it may seem outside the car, leaving your pet in the car can be extremely dangerous and even deadly. Even in the shade, the temperature inside a car can reach 120 degrees in a matter of minutes. That is unhealthy for any dog or cat to be in. Dogs can't sweat and so all of their ability to cool off comes from panting and through the pads of their feet. An animal can suffer from heath stroke, heat exhaustion, and a variety of other ailments in a matter of minutes. As hard as it is to see the pet left at home, it's safer for them in the long run.

Always Have Plenty of Water Available

In the summer, everyone needs more water, humans and animals alike. It is very important to give your pet plenty of water and always have lots of water available. Even if an animal is inside all day, he or she will still appreciate extra water.

Avoid the Sun

While it may sound funny because of their fur coats, animals can get sunburns too. This is particularly common in animals with light fur and not a lot of it. Animals can experience peeling, pain, and itchy skin due to sunburn just like people. For this reason, it is important to apply sunscreen to the tips of a dog's ears, its nose, and the edges of the lips. Even with sunscreen, it is safer to keep your pet inside between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Get Rid of Tangles

A dog's fur is designed to assist the dog in staying cool by releasing heat from the body. Unfortunately, when the fur is tangled or matted, it can't keep the dog cool and will actually trap heat close to the body. It is very important to keep the fur tangle free so that the dog won't get overheated. If you don't have the time to keep the dog's fur perfectly brushed all the time or the fur is extra thick, it may make sense to save the dog for the summer.

Be On the Lookout for Anti-Freeze

In the heat, a dog may be tempted to drink from puddles. This is not recommended as puddles can contain many harmful fluids like anti-freeze, oil, and gasoline. It is easier to carry water with you than rush the dog to the emergency vet because it has ingested something toxic.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bird Cage - How to Choose an Aviary Bird Cage

Bird cages, or aviary bird cages are as important to taking care of your pet bird or birds as their food and water. A bird needs a cage to come home to and to keep it safe. Different kinds of birds like different shapes and sizes of cages, so it is very important to choose a cage that is appropriate to your kind of bird.

Bigger birds will need bigger cages, and while a good rule of thumb is to always make sure that the cage is at the very least two times wider than the bird's maximum wingspan, that is the minimum space requirement for a larger bird, and it is almost impossible to go too big. A big bird needs lots of room to fly or climb and you do not want to end up with a cage that is too small for your bird. This is not a place to save money and cut corners- your birds health is depending on you to choose a big enough cage. You should generally get the biggest cage you can afford for a bigger bird, and they will thank you for it.

For smaller birds, you can get a smaller cage, but remember that they will likely like to fly around, so make sure there is enough room in the cage to let them do so. It is possibly to get a cage that is too big for a smaller bird though, so your best bet is to ask a pet store employee or breeder- whoever you got your bird from, how much space he or she will need when full grown. Of course, keeping more than one bird in a aviary cage means that the cage will have to be big enough to fit them all comfortably.

Aviary bird cage are available in all sizes and shapes. You can find them made out of many different materials including wood, plastic, metal, and coated wire, which is the most common and usually the least expensive. However, you can also find specialty bird aviary cages if you know where to look and have a little more to spend. These can be more than just a place for your bird to perch in- they can be a jungle gym, a habitat, and even a piece of art.

For those who are looking to spend as little money as possible though, a good place to start would be to look for a bird cage at the local pet store. This will give you an idea of how bit it will need to be and you can see if you can get it into your room or not. Once you have seen the cage type you want in person, you can go on to the internet to look for websites that will sell you a aviary bird cage for less money than the brick and mortar store.

These websites usually have lower prices because they do not have to pay rent on a retail location, and often stock the same kind of things. Of course, you will have to pay shipping and wait for the cage to arrive at your house instead of walking home with it then and there. There are pros and cons to either approach and the choice is up to you.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

10 Essential Puppy Training Tips

1 - Start Training Early:
Puppies start to learn the moment they open their eyes and are most open to new experiences during the first four months. Start training your puppy the moment it is bought home. Good early habits endure and will result in a well behaved dog in the future.

2 - Early Socialization:
Help ensure your puppy meet and socialize with as many people as possible during the first four months. Going on outdoor trips, visiting friends who own pets, and walking along busy streets should all be part of your puppy's education. These positive experiences will allow your puppy to be comfortable with humans and reduce the likelihood of any future behavior problems.

3 - Mental And Physical Stimulation:
Every puppy thrives on both mental and physical stimulation. Exposing your puppy to new environments and experiences early can greatly enhance your dog's interest in learning new things. Puppy walks or games are great ways to stimulate your pet both mentally and physically. If actively stimulated, your puppy will become healthier and adept at learning new trainings faster. This will also help strengthen the bond between the both of you at the same time.10 Essential Puppy Training Tips

4 - Hand Feed Your Puppy:
Whenever possible, hand feed your puppy. This teaches him/her to like human contact, even when your puppy is feeding from his food bowl. Not feeding from hand can lead your puppy to turn aggressive to whoever that tries to get near him/her while feeding.
5 - Biting And Chewing:
Your puppy will certainly bite and chew while they play and investigate new things around them. If your puppy is teething; direct, encourage and reward your puppy to bite the right object (toy). Discourage and discipline by simply saying a firm "NO" and replace the object with the correct toy or training equipment.

6 - Step-by-Step Training:
Always begin your puppy training at home where it is in a familiar environment and work on one new exercise, command or trick per training session. This will allow your puppy to learn, understand and familiarize each training better and faster. Trying to introducing multiple items at one session can confuse your dog and lead to a slower learning curve.

7 - Best Time To Train:
Train your puppy when it is feeling hungry or before each of its meal. Your puppy will respond very well to food treats. This is especially useful if you are just starting out to train your puppy or you have certain difficulty with a particular command. Balance your rewards with praises and hugs so that your dog doesn't associate every reward with just food. Never begin any training with your puppy when you are feeling lousy or in a bad mood.

8 - Housetraining:
Housebreak your puppy early by supervising and recognizing your puppy's body language such as circling or sniffing the floor. Take your puppy out every 45 minutes after eating or drinking as they tend to "let go" around this time. When it eliminates at the right location, praise and rewards your puppy so that it will associate eliminating outdoors as a positive experience.

9 - Rewards And Punishment:
Different puppies learn at different speeds. Whenever your puppy obeys or performs to a certain command, praise and reward your dog immediately. This allows your puppy to associate learning with positive-ness and fun. Never use any physical corrections or harsh yelling when you puppy misbehave as this can cause fear and promote future aggressive behavior in your dog. Reprimand your dog by using a stern voice instead and only when you actually caught it misbehaving.

10 - Training Sessions:
Train you puppy in short, frequent sessions. Puppies have a short attention span and will get easily distracted or bored. Train your puppy for ten minutes each session and then play with him/her with its favorite toy to stimulate your pup's learning process. Always end each training on a positive note with your puppy wanting more. This will allow your puppy to look forward to its next training session.

10 Tips on Keeping Pet Treatment Costs Low

A pet is a loved member of the family but costs of caring for a pet especially some breeds can be expensive. Food, grooming costs and vet bills can costs much more than you estimated when buying the pet.

Here are a few tips from pet lovers on how to keep costs down and yet care for the pet:

1. Find out about low-cost clinics that give shots. Information can be had online or from your local vet hospital or humane society.

2. When any illness needs treatment or surgery always take a second estimate and surf the internet to find out if there are any alternative treatments in use.

3. Be friendly with your vet and share your problems if any with him. Often vets help patients by giving them free medicines they get from manufacturers.

4. Consider feeding the pet home cooked food instead of the more expensive commercial food. The internet has many resources about pet nutrition and balanced diets.

5. Ensure good health by giving the pet the right amount of food, exercise, and training. Obese pets have greater health problems than fit pets.

6. Think about buying pet medicines online from discount stores.

7. Train your pet well and protect it from accidents by keeping it on leash when outdoors.

8. Before buying a pet because its cute or in fashion find out all you can about the breed, costs of upkeep, susceptible diseases and more. Talk to other pet owners and find out all about their experiences.

9. Think about signing up for a preventive health care package if your vet or local clinic offer one. If you take good care of the pet the costs are likely to be low.

10. Read up on preventable health hazards and on what foods are bad for pet health. Teach the pet not to beg or eat foods lying around.

A pet is a responsibility and needs great care. As a responsible pet parent you will need to know all you can about the breed. Decide on neutering and on how you can give your pet a long disease free life.

Find out about pet insurance and how you can get a comprehensive pet health policy for low premiums. The World Wide Web has in depth articles and tips on how to choose a pet, how to care for one, and all about pet health. Be an informed pet owner and buy or adopt a pet only if you can be a committed pet parent.

Friday, February 27, 2009

People Training For Dogs - Why is it so Important?

People training for dog is important if you want your dog to behave good around people.

People training for dog: One of the most difficult things to do is punish a cute cuddly dog, especially when it is a puppy. Think of yourself when the little dog looks at you. People training for dog without physically or verbally abusing them is very important too.

What does that mean? Dog psychology, people training for dog problems.

You have to understand your dog before you can train him. How does he react when people come around and why is he reacting like this. So, train yourself.

People training for dog, here some tips and other stuff.

Training them when they are young will give them the time to learn right from wrong. People training for dog must make sense to you and be easy to apply within your lifestyle. Training, with a focus on the special needs of your dog especially when you do people training for dog. They will also pick up on the training much quicker since their brains are still developing. When you talk about people training a dog, there are a number of areas that come to mind. People training your dog at a young age will help your puppy grow into a mature and friendly dog. Dog training tips: using a whistle to train a dog .

Is very helpful and the dog will better understand what you want.

However, people training for dog is to do when it is a little puppy.It is one of the most important things you can do.The best way to solve this is to people train your dog for everyone to begin with. After extensive training to get your puppy to stop barking and growling, then you can look further into training them to protect the house. With this said, all of these training methods can be done while avoiding hitting the puppy or giving the puppy harsh reprimands. Jumping on people, biting people or growling at unfamiliar people are just a few of the things that you can train your dog to avoid. So start to train your dog and it will be your best friend. People training for dog is essential.

So keep in mind, people training for dog without physically or verbally abusing them. People training for dog is important if you want your dog to behave good around people.

But think about to train yourself at first, before you try to train your dog. So have fun with your: People training for dog!
source :

How to Choose the Right Pet

A lot of people have a good idea of what kind of pet they want. However, most of them tend to oversee the time and the level of care their pet requires. Choosing which pet perfectly fits you and your lifestyle may seem easy. But you also have to look at their maintenance requirements and make the right decision from there.

Certain animals require more attention than others. For starters, your dogs need twice as more things as cats. The sensitivity of dogs is something you should be prepared for. Some of them would go out of their way and tear your whole house down just so they can get the attention they need.

Try to leave your dog unattended for a whole day. If it isn't trained well, you would surely go back to a messy, torn, and tattered house. Dogs become bored even if you give it toys or another dog for a companion. These pets need human interaction above anything else. This means that you need to take your dog out for a leisure walk every day, probably after work. Dogs needs its play and exercise time to live happily.

Cats are a different case though. These animals can be left on their own. Just keep all the breakables inside a locked shelf and you should be good. Else, you might find them missing or shattered after a leaving your pet for a while. To take care of a cat, the only thing you have to do is to keep your house clean. This way, they wouldn't create too much of a ruckus. Instead, they'll go to their corner and sleep.

Or they'll look outside the windows, amuse themselves with a toy, or just sit back and relax by themselves. But then again, if you still think that cats are a problem, then the best pet for you would be fish. You don't have to maintain these animals much. Just clean the tank regularly and feed them daily and they would be happy.

The bottom line is, no matter what type of pet you get, you have to provide a certain level of care. All pets need love and attention from their masters or owners. As for the others, they would need training and positive reinforcement too. Fish may not need the latter much. But just the same, you are required to provide them all they need to survive. When choosing a pet, be sure that you consider all of these things to come face-to-face with the one that is perfect for you.

To sum it all up, dogs are high maintenance pets which also need training. But once you have taken care of all of that, they are become the best companions you can ever have. Dogs can do a lot of things like alert you of imminent danger, tell you that someone is at the door, or simply love you twice as much in return. In exchange, it only needs some of your time and attention.

Cats are usually low maintenance pets, although some cat breeds aren't. Some breeds clamor for people's while others detest it. Cats would like to be alone most of the time. So if you're not thinking of adding any more pets to your household, this animal is the best one for you.

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